And just in case this isn't already evident: 'the views expressed in this blog are not representative of the United States Government or the U.S. Peace Corps but are my personal expressions and experiences" :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I passed all of my technical tests and knocked out my LPI exam with an "advanced-high" Portuguese language score (don't ask me how...!!!) 

After how many weeks of training? How many months of application writing? How many years of years of prepping for this momentous day? ... Today the newly appointed US Ambassador to Mozambique celebrated his first official act in his new position by swearing in the 18th group of Mozambique Peace Corps Volunteers, of which yours truly was indeed 1 of the lucky 28 members :)

So yes, today starts the 1st day of the next 2 years of my life as an official Peace Corps Volunteer in Mozambique!!! Said some teary goodbyes to my host family this morning, had the official swear-in this afternoon, will have my supervisor's conference this Friday + Saturday where I'll meet my future boss and/ or coworkers, and will head out on Sunday morning for my new home  (of which I know NOTHING about!!!) 

Big moves a-happening, but soon enough I'll FINALLY be settled down and be able to start my new life. It's a bit daunting to think the hard part hasn't even begun yet, but this process has been so incredibly long in the making that it almost feels a bit surreal and deja-vu since I've already daydreamed and imagined it so so so many times over. I've tried to keep any expectations at a minimum, but I'd be lying if I said I don't have some hopes and fears of what next week will bring. I'll be sure to keep you all updated with every little development, but please don't forget to write me a personal email  updating me on your own life   accomplishments and struggles!!

A hundred thanks to everyone who helped me along the way to this momentous day, I love you all and will continue to think of you often as I begin these first steps in my new chapter :)



  1. YAAAY!!! Needless to say, I'm so proud of you :)

  2. Yup, that's a good'n. You're paddling in the deep end kiddo.

  3. So incredibly exciting!!! Congratulations a thousand times!
