And just in case this isn't already evident: 'the views expressed in this blog are not representative of the United States Government or the U.S. Peace Corps but are my personal expressions and experiences" :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

clock is ticking.... slowly

So a week from today is my last day of work, then finals in school, then move up to CT and visit my favorite people in New England, then.... assuming all goes to plan... I leave.

It's funny, people keep asking if I'm scared or nervous, what I expect to eat, if I plan to date, why I don't update my blog more regularly, etc. The thing is, the life this blog was created to document hasn't begun yet. All I can think of is how intangibly far away my trip still is... assuming of course that I leave on the expected date, that they don't decide to revoke my invitation, that all of the 1,001 things that can and very well may go wrong don't.

Right now I'm focused on wrapping up work at the IDB, on finding the last shreds of motivation to focus and write my final papers and projects for my Master's degree, on my friend's baby shower :) , on my friends' birthdays, on several friends' graduations from undergrad and grad schools, on spending as much time as humanly possible with the people I love down here in DC, on scheduling when I'll be able to visit the people I love in NYC and Boston, and (of course) on my family. There's still so much left to be done here that daydreaming about my trip seems like a waste of time!

'course, check back in another 6 weeks when I'm finishing up packing my bags and I'm sure my tone will change ;)


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