I’ve been reading. A lot. So I thought I’d keep track of the books I’ve been reading and share them here in case anyone back home has any comments or is looking for a good read. So here goes…
- The Hunger Games – great quick read to dive into and forget about reality
- Catching Fire – must read after the first book
- Mocking jay – must read after the first 2 books (read all three books within a week)
- A Complicated War – GREAT book about the recent history of Mozambique. Intelligent, interesting and informative – I highly recommend this one
- Amore e Vento – a so-so read, the writing style wasn’t very captivating. Wouldn’t recommend
- O Ultimo Voo do Flamingo – much better read, reminded me of Gabriel Garcia style of surrealist writing
- The Adventure of Winnie the Pooh – one can never read this book enough times
- Once on a Time – another great book by A A Milne, lovely quick read
- Ender’s Game – GREAT scifi read, another one to dive head first into
- Speaker for the Dead – sequel to the above book (there’s a 3rd to the series but I haven’t been able to get it yet L
- Three Men in Boat – tough read, there was no conflict in the plot so it was a struggle to find interest in this one. Wouldn’t recommend
- The Help – I liked this one, it was a bit longer than I think it needed to be but was still a quick read (took about 4 days)
- Who Stole My Cheese? – really liked this one, it was a quick and simple book (literally, you can read this in an hour) but the message is worthwhile and can really help if read at the correct time and taken seriously. Read this one twice in 1 afternoon and it really helped push me off my high horse and get over myself
- Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone – reading this series so I can FINALLY know all those darn inside jokes of my Harry Potter addict friends back home! Real simple style so if you have as much free time as I do you can do a book a day. This first one wasn’t too enthralling but I have high hopes for the rest of the series!
- Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - great books to read out loud to children. I have the series in Portuguese as well and hope to one day be able to get my neighborhood kids to sit still for long enough to listen to these J
- Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban - definitely starting to get into these now - my blond and red headed friends should be happy!
- Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
- Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows - to celebrate finishing these books I spent a weekend watching all of the movies (sorry red head and blondie, I couldn't wait another year but we can do it again when you come visit!!)
- 50 Shades of Grey - I'm a little embarrassed to admit having read these. DEFINITELY should have an age limit to this one. It's like the Twilight series only substitute the werewolves and vampires for very inappropriately explicit intimate sex scenes...
- 50 Shades Darker
- 50 Shades Free
- Memoirs of a Geisha - nice easy weekend read
- Skinner's Drift - book about a woman in South Africa after apartheid ends
- Xenocide - the third sequel in the Orson Scott Card trilogy mentioned above
- Marley and Me by John Grogan - cute quick read
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - oldie but goodie.
- To Have and to Have Not by Ernest Hemingway. Bit depressing but a quick interesting read
- The Giver by Lois Lowry - another adolescent classic. Love these afternoon novels :)
- A Wind at the Door by Madeleine L'Engle - surprisingly interesting. Definitely for young adults but I'd never read L'ENgle before and now I really want to read a Wrinkle in Time
- A Brief History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson - not actually entirely done with this book yet (it's one of those in the background books I've been reading while I read others....) Close enough to being done though that there's no possibility of me NOT finishing it. And for the record - extremely interesting. Like this book a lot.
I am SO happy you're on Harry Potter. So thrilled. Let the blonde and the redhead know when you finish so we can chat :)
ReplyDeleteI just finished the His Dark Materials Series (Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass). Also good escapist fantasy reading.
I had a bad dream about dementors last night. Nothing to blame but this blog. Thanks.
DeleteA Song of Ice and Fire is also great, although less magic and more castle intrigue.
Ooooh yeah I remember those! Read them when I was a young, I thought I'd discovered them and cherished the books like my own little secret. When my father wanted to read the series after I finished them I decided the only rational option was to hide the books... Years later when the movies came out I remembered what I'd done and feeling pretty guilty about it I tried to find the books but never could (I think I may have hidden them into a wall in my room, re-plastered the hole and painted over it...) I had to buy the whole series again to let my father read them.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very odd sister. Can I start cutting holes in your walls at home to see what kind of treasures I can find?
DeleteI am listening to Harry Potter on Audiobooks. I just started today! I needed something to do during my very very long commute.
Love you odd sister!! (Love, the weird sister)
If you liked the Hunger Games series, try reading "Divergent" and "Insurgent" (2nd book, not as good as the first, but still fun). Similar type of dystopian society. The third one is supposed to come out....next year?